
Richard Villagomez

B.A. Data Science, B.A. Computer Science
UC Berkeley Class of 2026


Hi! I’m Richard, a junior from the Northern Mariana Islands studying CS and Data Science at UC Berkeley. My interests lie at the intersection of data science, software engineering, and user-experience design, with a focus on creating accessible, inclusive, and impactful technology. As a Pacific Islander in these fields, I aim to lead data-driven projects focused on sustainable development and social impact across the Pacific.

Beyond my academics and research, I am dedicated to finding innovative ways to make data science education accessible to everyone. As a UGSI for Data 8, “Foundations of Data Science,” I lead weekly discussions for around 30 students, hold office hours for over 350 students, and guide labs to ensure understanding of Python and Jupyter Notebook. For further details on my teaching experience, please visit the teaching section.

Please feel free to feel reach out to me via email or LinkedIn!


Undergraduate Student Instructor for Data 8, “Foundations of Data Science” (Summer 2024)

Course materials are available here.
View my students’ instructor evaluations here.

Research, Pedagogy, and Discovery Assistant Facilitator for Tuskegee Scholars Program (Summer 2024)

Bootcamp Facilitator for Tuskegee Scholars Program (Summer 2024)

Group Tutor for Data 198, “Foundations Scholars” (Spring 2024)

Course materials are available here.
View my students’ instructor evaluations here.

Academic Intern for Data 8, “Foundations of Data Science” (Fall 2023)

Course materials are available here.

Research Interests


    This section is under construction.

  1. Data Structures
    Language: Java
    March 2023

  2. Data Analysis


Major Courses

Pedagogy Courses

Elective Courses